List of 85+ MCQs on soil science ! This will help you to learn about the frequently asked objective type questions on soil science especially compiled for ICAR, ARS, IARI Ph.D and other competitive exams.
1. Hue denotes
(A) Dominant spectrum
(B) Lightness or brightness
(C) Purity
(D) Intensity
Ans. A
2. Phosphorus uptake in alkali soil in the form of _____
(A) H2PO4–
(B) HPO42–
(C) PO43–
(D) H3PO4
Ans. C
3. Which fertilizer produce acidity in soil
(A) Ammonium sulfate
(B) Sodium nitrate
(C) Calcium ammonium nitrate
(D) Calcium nitrate
Ans. A
4. Maximum N content found in N fertilizer
(A) Urea
(B) Anhydrous ammonia
(C) Sodium nitrate
(D) Ammonium sulphate
Ans. B
5. Rock phosphate has P2O5
(A) 10-20%
(B) 20-40%
(C) 30-50 %
(D) 20-30%
Ans. B
6. The conversion factor for calculating P from P2O5
(A) P2O5 x 2.29
(B) P x 0.44
(C) P x 2.29
(D) P2O5 x 0.44
Ans. D
7. The phenomenon slickenside found in which soil
(A) Inceptisol
(B) Vertisol
(C) Gelisol
(D) Spodosol
Ans. B
8. Which organic fraction not soluble in both acid and alkali
(A) Fulvic
(B) Humic
(C) Humin
(D) All of the above
Ans. C
9. In munsell colour chart hue 10 represents as ______
(A) Red
(B) Black
(C) Grey
(D) Yellow
Ans. D
10. pF scale for Field capacity is _____
(A) 2
(B) 2.5
(C) 3.5
(D) 4.5
Ans. B
11. Available water held between
(A) Saturation to wilting point
(B) Field capacity to hygroscopic coefficient
(C) Only field capacity
(D) Field capacity to wilting point
Ans. D
12. Soil colloidal particle shows the phenomena
(A) Plasticity
(B) Adhesion and cohesion
(C) Flocculation
(D) All of the above
Ans. D
13. The central cation on silica tetrahedron is _____
(A) Al3+
(B) Si4+
(C) Fe2+
(D) None of the above
Ans. B
14. Which plant is used for indication of permanent wilting point?
(A) Safflower
(B) Sunflower
(C) Marigold
(D) Both A and C
Ans. B
15. Mica is a type of clay mineral
(A) 1:1
(B) 2:1
(C) 2:1:1
(D) None of the above
Ans. B
16. Hydrogen bond found in which clay mineral
(A) Kaolinite
(B) Montmorillonite
(C) Vermiculite
(D) Beidelite
Ans. A
17. Base saturation in lateritic soil
(A) < 40 %
(B) > 40%
(C) < 20%
(D) > 20%
Ans. B
18. Immobilization of sulphur occur in soil when C:S ratio is _____
(A) < 300:1
(B) > 300:1
(C) > 400:1
(D) > 200:1
Ans. C
19. Denitrification is a process of ______
(A) Oxidation
(B) Reduction
(C) Hydration
(D) Carbonation
Ans. B
20. Microorganism involve in conversion from nitrite to nitrate
(A) Nitrosomonas
(B) Nitrobactor
(C) Pseudomonas
(D) Bacillus
Ans. B
21. Thiourea is type of fertilizer
(A) Slow release
(B) Nitrification inhibitors
(C) Natural nitrification inhibitors
(D) Artificial nitrification inhibitors
Ans. D
22. Chemical formula of thiourea is _____
(A) CO(NH2)2
(B) SC(NH2)2
(D) None of the above
Ans. B
23. N content in thiourea is _________
(A) 46%
(B) 36.8%
(C) 22.5%
(D) 33%
Ans. B
24. Quantity of soil to be taken for texture analysis
(A) 10g
(B) 20g
(C) 30g
(D) 40g
Ans. B
25. The K2O content in Illite varied between
(A) 6 to 10%
(B) 2 to 4%
(C) 10 to 15%
(D) 33%
Ans. A
26. The microorganism lies below < 10°C is called _______
(A) Psychrophiles
(B) Mesophiles
(C) Thermophiles
(D) None of the above
Ans. A
27. Thermophiles organism lies in temperature
(A) > 45°C
(B) > 25°C
(C) < 45°C
(D) < 25°C
Ans. A
28. Optimum temperature for mesophile
(A) 10-20°C
(B) 20-40°C
(C) 40-60°C
(D) 15-20°C
Ans. B
29. Which organism derive their energy from oxidation of complex organic compound
(A) Heterotrophs
(B) Autotrophs
(C) Chemotrophs
(D) Lithotrophs
Ans. A
30. Organism utilize carbon from CO2 for their cellular synthesis
(A) Hetrotrophs
(B) Chemotrophs
(C) Autotrophs
(D) None of the above
Ans. C
31. Most of the soil organism is _____
(A) Psychrophiles
(B) Mesophiles
(C) Thermophiles
(D) All of the above
Ans. B
32. Optimum growth of bacteria in soil
(A) Acidic
(B) Alkali
(C) Neutral to slightly alkaline
(D) Slightly acidic to neutral
Ans. C
33. Fungi growth optimum in pH
(A) 2.5-4.5
(B) 4.5-6.5
(C) 6.5-7.5
(D) 7.5-8.5
Ans. B
34. Actinomycetes prefer which condition for their growth
(A) Slightly alkaline
(B) Alkali
(C) Acidic
(D) Neutral
Ans. A
35. Aroma of earthy smell in first shower of monsoon is due to _____
(A) Actinomycetes
(B) Bacteria
(C) Fungi
(D) None of the above
Ans. A
36. Which genera of bacteria found maximum in soil?
(A) Azotobacter
(B) Pseudomonas
(C) Bacillus
(D) All of the above
Ans. C
37. Rhizobium is an _____ organism
(A) Hetrotrophs anaerobic
(B) Heterotrophs aerobic
(C) Autotrophs anaerobic
(D) Autotrophs aerobic
Ans. B
38. Which nutrient influence the nodule formation and nitrogen fixation in soil?
(A) pH
(B) N
(D) All of the above
Ans. D
39. Nitrification process ceases at pH
(A) < 5
(B) < 6
(C) < 4
(D) < 7
Ans. A
40. Denitrification mostly takes place in _____
(A) Aerobic
(B) Anaerobic
(C) Both
(D) None of the above
Ans. B
41. Nitrification rapid in _____ season
(A) Winter
(B) Rainy
(C) Summer
(D) All of the above
Ans. C
42. The peak microbial population was observed in soil generally after addition of residue
(A) 3-4 week
(B) 2-3 week
(C) 3-4 days
(D) 1-2 week
Ans. D
43. For mineralization of P optimum ratio of C:N:P should be _____
(A) 100:10:1
(B) 50:10:1
(C) 80:10:1
(D) 30:10:1
Ans. A
44. Ammonia volatilization is purely process of _____
(A) Physical
(B) Chemical
(C) Biological
(D) None of the above
Ans. B
45. Which element suppressed Downey mildew of pear millets?
(A) Chloride
(B) Fluoride
(C) Bromide
(D) Lithium
Ans. A
46. Improper development of wheat inflorescence is due to deficiency of _____
(A) Molybdenum
(B) Boron
(C) Calcium
(D) Magnesium
Ans. B
47. Organic matter obtained
(A) OC x 1.724
(B) OC x 2.24
(C) OC x 1.55
(D) OC x 1.64
Ans. A
48. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is measured by _____
(A) Pycnometer
(B) Tensiometer
(C) Amoozemeter
(D) Hydrometer
Ans. C
49. Hydraulic conductivity is found to decrease in the following order
(A) K soil > Ca – soil > Na – soil
(B) Na – soil > K – soil > Ca – soil
(C) Ca – soil < K – soil < Na – soil
(D) Ca – soil > K – soil > Na – soil
Ans. D
50. Which chemical compound is used for improve soil aeration, infiltration and water holding capacity of soil
(A) Jalshakti
(B) Fentachlore
(C) Hydrotech
(D) None of the above
Ans. A
51. Reddish colour in muriate of potash is due to _____
(A) KCl
(B) Colour reagent
(C) Impurities
(D) All of the above
Ans. C
52. Feldspars is primary mineral that occurs pre-dominantly in ________
(A) Igneous rock
(B) Sedimentary rock
(C) Metamorphic rocks
(D) All of the above
Ans. A
53. CO2 content in rainwater is _______
(A) 0.35%
(B) 0.45%
(C) 0.25%
(D) 0.15%
Ans. B
54. In which point resistant to wind erosion in soil
(A) Permanent wilting point
(B) Hygroscopic point
(C) Field capacity
(D) None of the above
Ans. A
55. Bedrock is absent in which soil?
(A) Black soil
(B) Red soil
(C) Alluvial soil
(D) Forest soil
Ans. C
56. Saline soil also known as _____
(A) Solonchalk
(B) Solonetz
(C) Sodochalk
(D) None of the above
Ans. A
57. Kari is the local name of _____
(A) Acid soil
(B) Saline soil
(C) Acid sulfate soil
(D) Alkali soil
Ans. C
58. The honey-comb structure found in _____
(A) Alluvial soil
(B) Black soil
(C) Saline soil
(D) Laterite soil
Ans. D
59. Which soil occur mainly a soil crust problem?
(A) Sandy soil
(B) Silty clay loam
(C) Loamy soil
(D) Clayey soil
Ans. B
60. Red colour of soil is due to _____
(A) Hematite
(B) Geothite
(C) Glauconite
(D) Maghemite
Ans. A
61. Black colour of soil is due to _____
(A) Titaniferous magnetite
(B) Geothite
(C) Glauconite
(D) Organic matter
Ans. A
62. Total soil order found in world?
(A) 9
(B) 10
(C) 11
(D) 12
Ans. D
63. Flow of nitrogen in soil mainly due to _____
(A) Mass flow
(B) Diffusion
(C) Interception
(D) None of the above
Ans A
64. Micronutrient flow is mainly a _____ process in soil
(A) Mass flow
(B) Diffusion
(C) Interception
(D) None of the above
Ans. B
65. When organic matter added into the soil effect on bulk density
(A) Increased
(B) No effect
(C) Decreased
(D) Both A and C
Ans. C
66. Which factor is more responsible for black colour in kanhar (Vertisol) soil?
(A) Hematite
(B) Titaniferous magnetite
(C) Geotite
(D) Organic matter
Ans. B
67. Which factor is responsible for red colour in bhata (Entisol) soil?
(A) Hematite
(B) Geotite
(C) Maghemite
(D) Gibbsite
Ans. A
68. Yellow colour appear due to hydration of hematite found in which soil?
(A) Bhata (Entisol)
(B) Dorsa (Alfisol)
(C) Matasi (Inceptisol)
(D) Kanhar (Vertisol)
Ans. C
69. Soil order found in Chhattisgarh
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) 5
Ans. D
70. Which Soil order is newly identified in Chhattisgarh?
(A) Entisol
(B) Mollisol
(C) Inceptisol
(D) Vertisoil
Ans. B
71. Which soil has low water and nutrient holding capacity of Chhattisgarh?
(A) Bhata
(B) Matasi
(C) Dorsa
(D) Kanhar
Ans. A
72. Bhata soil is also known as _____
(A) Clayey
(B) Clay loam
(C) Gravely
(D) Sandy loam
Ans. C
73. Matasi soil is also known as _____
(A) Clayey
(B) Clay loam
(C) Gravely
(D) Sandy loam
Ans. D
74. Dorsa soil is also known as _____
(A) Clayey
(B) Clay loam
(C) Gravely
(D) Sandy loam
Ans. B
75. Kanhar soil is also known as _____
(A) Clayey
(B) Clay loam
(C) Gravely
(D) Sandy loam
Ans. A
76. Which soil covers maximum area in Chhattisgarh?
(A) Bhata
(B) Matasi
(C) Dorsa
(D) Kanhar
Ans. B
77. Bhata soil covers area in Chhattisgarh of total area
(A) 12%
(B) 21%
(C) 39%
(D) 27%
Ans. A
78. Dorsa soil covers area in Chhattisgarh of total area
(A) 12%
(B) 21%
(C) 39%
(D) 27%
Ans. D
79. Kanhar soil covers area in Chhattisgarh of total area
(A) 12%
(B) 21%
(C) 39%
(D) 27%
Ans. B
80. Total soil order found in India
(A) 13
(B) 5
(C) 9
(D) 12
Ans. C
81. Which one is lower category for classification of soil?
(A) Soil order
(B) Family
(C) Soil series
(D) None of the above
Ans. C
82. Which clay mineral is responsible for cracking in black soil?
(A) Kaolinite
(B) Illite
(C) Vermiculite
(D) Montmorillonite
Ans. D
83. pH meter measures
(A) H ions activity
(B) H ions concentration
(C) Al ions
(D) All of the above
Ans. A
84. EC (electrical conductivity) meter measures
(A) Total salt in soil
(B) Soluble salt in soil
(C) Both the salt
(D) None of the above
Ans. B
85. The unit used for the measurement of electrical conductivity is _____
(A) dS/m
(B) uS/cm
(C) mg/m
(D) Both A and B
Ans. D
86. Olsen method is used for phosphorus estimation
(A) Acidic soil
(B) Neutral to alkali soil
(C) Saline soil
(D) All of the above
Ans. B
87. Which method used for determination of available phosphorus in acid soil
(A) Bray
(B) Olsen
(C) Walkley and Black
(D) Jackson
Ans. A
88. KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) is used for __________
(A) Available nitrogen
(B) Organic carbon
(C) Available phosphorus
(D) Available potassium
Ans. A
89. Which instrument is used for the estimation of potash (K)
(A) Spectrophotometer
(B) Flamephotometer
(C) Colorimeter
(D) Atomic absorption
Ans. B
90. Spectrophotometer is used for determination of _____
(A) N
(B) P
(C) K
(D) All of the above
Ans. B
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