In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Apparatus of Differential Thermal Analysis 2. Types of Thermal Peak Reactions 3. Applications. Apparatus of Differential Thermal Analysis: The DTA apparatus consist of the following: 1. Sample holder, usually ceramic, nickel, or platinum. 2. Furnace with a temperature controller to provide a constant rate of heating. 3. […]
Differential Thermal Analysis | Clay Minerals | Soil Mineralogy
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Transmission Electron Microscopy: Principle and Components | Soil Mineralogy
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Principle of Transmission Electron Microscopy 2. Components of Transmission Electron Microscopy 3. Applications. Principle of Transmission Electron Microscopy: The transmission electron microscope can be compared with a slide projector. In a slide projector, light from a light source is made into a parallel beam by the condenser […]
Clay Minerals: Composition and Properties | Soil Mineralogy
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Composition of Clay Minerals 2. Isomorphous Substitution 3. Properties of Clay Minerals. Composition of Clay Minerals: Clay minerals in soils belong to phyllosilicates group of minerals, which in turn belong to silicate minerals. Silicate minerals make up about 90% of the rock-forming minerals of the earth’s crust. […]