In this article we will discuss about the design and effectiveness of shelter belt used to control soil erosion due to wind. Design of Shelterbelt: A shelterbelt involves following parameters for determining under its design: 1. Location: The location of wind break/shelter belt should be in such a way, as to dissipate the maximum amount […]
Shelterbelt: Design and Effectiveness | Erosion Control | Soil Management
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Essay on Contour Farming | Soil Management
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Here is an essay on ‘Contour Farming’ for class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Contour Farming’ especially written for school and college students. Essay on Contour Farming Essay Contents: Essay on the Introduction to Contour Farming Essay on the Objectives of Contour Farming Essay on the Criteria […]
Bunding: Classification, Design & Construction | Soil Management
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Types of Bund 2. Classification of Bunding System 3. Design Criteria 4. Planning 5. Construction. Types of Bund: The different types of bund used in practice are given as under: 1. Contour Bund – The bunds constructed exactly on contour or with permissible deviation from the contour, […]