After reading this article you will learn about the importance of balanced supply of fertilizers to soil. Nitrogen being ‘the motor of plant growth’ will usually show its efficiency soon after application – the plants develop a dark green colour and grow more vigorously. However, unbalanced, excess nitrogen in cereals/rice may result in lodging, greater […]
Importance of Balanced Supply of Fertilizers to Soil
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Efficient Use of Fertilizers: 12 Measures
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This article throws light upon the twelve measures that should be considered for efficient use of fertilizers. Some of the measures are: 1. Fertilizer Scheduling should be Based upon Soil Test and Crop Response 2. Placement of Fertilizers 3. Mixing of Fertilizers 4. Soil Texture and duration of Crop 5. Water Management 6. Use of […]
Fertilizer Application: Precaution, Rate and Time
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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Precautions of Fertilizer Application 2. Rate of Fertilizer Application 3. Time. Precautions of Fertilizer Application: i. Note that there is sufficient moisture in the fields before applying fertilizers. ii. Ensure uniform distribution of fertilizer on the entire area of operation. iii. Avoid hot-hours or the day […]