Soil Loss Estimation: Measurement and Universal Soil Loss Equation! Soil losses occur from areas subjected to different types of erosion. The soil loss varies with the type of erosion and it is also influenced by all the factors that affect erosion. Along with the soil losses, loss of plant nutrients also occurs. Estimation of soil […]
Soil Loss Estimation: Measurement and Universal Soil Loss Equation Formula
How to Control Soil Erosion at Hill Slopes? | Conservations | Soil Science
The upper reaches of a watershed usually consist of hilly areas. These areas have an undulating topography and are foci for soil erosion. In areas with steep slopes and subjected to soil erosion vegetation do not get established. Due to lack of vegetative cover soil erosion is accelerated transporting large quantities of silt into the […]
How to Measure Soil Moisture: Top 3 Methods
Measurement of soil moisture is necessary in several soil and hydrological investigations. Soil moisture measurements are needed for scheduling irrigations, in experimental studies on crop water requirements and evaluating surface irrigation systems. Soil moisture measurements are also needed in areas of less rainfall for evaluating different moisture conservation practices. There are many methods available for […]