This article throws light upon the four ways used for the management of soil. The ways are:- 1. Cover Crops 2. Organic Amendments 3. Tillage 4. Crop Rotation. Way # 1. Cover Crops: Cover crops provide a canopy for seasonal soil protection and improvement between the productions of the main crops. Cover crops usually are […]
Management of Soil: 4 Ways
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Management of Acid Soils: 7 Ways
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The ways are: 1. Addition of Liming Material 2. Use of Basic Fertilizer 3. Use of Rock Phosphate 4. Soil Management 5. Growing of Acid Tolerant Crops 6. Increasing the Efficiency of Nitrogen and Potassic Fertilizers in Acid Soils 7. Water Management. Way # 1. Addition of Liming Material: Soil acidity is the result of […]
Management of Water-Logged Soils: 9 Ways
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This article throws light upon the nine main ways for the management of water-logged soils. Some of the ways are: 1. Leveling of land 2. Drainage 3. Controlled irrigation 4. To check the seepage in the canals and irrigation channels 5. Flood control measures 6. Plantation of trees having high transpiration rate 7. Selection of […]