After reading this article you will learn about the beneficial and harmful effects of soil micro-organisms. Beneficial Effects of Soil Micro-Organisms: Plant and animal residues are broken down by the soil fauna and flora which prevent unwanted accumulation of fresh organic material. Secondary complex organic forms of nutrients are converted to the simple inorganic forms. […]
Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Soil Micro-Organisms
5 Main Functions of Micro-Organisms in Soil
This article throws light upon the five main functions of micro-organisms present in soil. 1. Organic matter decomposition (By this process, plant and animal residues are broken down by micro-organisms into more simpler compounds, other slimy compounds, other slimy intermediate products organic acids and more resistant compound humus. All these products combinedly influence the physical […]
Observing and Examining Micro-Organisms (Microbes)
After reading this article you will learn about observing and examining micro-organisms. Observation of Microbes in Hanging Drop: This method is used for the study of motility, germination or fission of micro-organisms which is not possible when they are killed and fixed in stained preparations. For this observation the following are needed: 1. A depression […]