In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Structure of Illite Mineral 2. Electrical Charge and Isomorphous Substitution 3. Morphology and Surface Area 4. Formation and Occurrence. Structure of Illite Mineral: The basic structural unit of illite mineral is identical to that of the montmorillonite mineral. It consists of an alumina sheet sandwiched between two […]
Illite Mineral: Structure and Formation | Soil Minerals
Minerals: Definition, Constitutions and Composition
After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Definition and Broad Classification of Minerals 2. General Constitution of Minerals 3. Important Soil Forming Primary Minerals 4. Fundamental Concepts of Identification 5. Description and Composition of Rock/Soil Forming Minerals. Definition and Broad Classification of Minerals: A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic material that has […]
4 Important Types of Silicate Minerals |Soil Science
This article throws light upon the four important types of silicate minerals. The types are: 1. Orthosilicates 2. Inosilicates 3. Phyllosilicates 4. Tectosilicates. Silicate Minerals: Type # 1. Orthosilicates: Represented by olivine—(Fe, Mg)2 SiO4: The structure consists of individual silicon-tetrahedra (SiO4)4- alternating with positively charged metal ions (Fe, Mg) which balance the negative charge of […]