This article throws light upon the three main forms of potassium in soils. The forms are: 1. Soil Solution Potassium 2. Exchangeable Potassium 3. Non-Exchangeable and Mineral Form of Potassium. Form # 1. Soil Solution Potassium: It is recognised as the readily available form of potassium to the plants. The potassium availability in soils is […]
3 Main Forms of Potassium in Soils
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Calcium (Ca): Forms, Sources and Behaviour | Soil
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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Forms of Calcium (Ca) 2. Sources and Distribution of Ca 3. Behaviour 4. Leaching Losses 5. Plant Factors 6. Deficiency and Disorders 7. Fertilizers Containing Calcium. Forms of Calcium (Ca): 1. Forms Taken up by Plants: Calcium is absorbed by plants as its Ca2+ ion. However, […]
Characterisaton of Phosphorus Present in Soil
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After reading this article you will learn about the inorganic and organic characterisation of phosphorus present in soil. Inorganic Characterisaton of Soil Phosphorus: Inorganic phosphates in soil may be usually classified on the basis of physical,mineralogical, chemical nature or their combinations. Various crystalline phosphates formed in soils from phosphate fertilization may not be always stable […]