In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Nature of Soil Organic Matter 2. Types of Soil Organic Matter 3. Factors Affecting Organic Matter Decomposition 4. Role of Organic Matter. Nature of Soil Organic Matter: Soil Weight (i.e. of furrow slice) = 2×106kg/ha Nitrogen status of Soil is 0.03-0.05%N means 1000kg of N/ ha. Total […]
Soil Organic Matter: Nature and Role | Soil Science
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Farm Yard Manure (FYM): Preparation and Use
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After reading this article you will learn about the preparation and use of Farm Yard Manure (FYM). Preparation of Farmyard Manure: (i) In India, a major portion of cattle dung is used as fuel by farmers, after being converted into dung cake. Urine is completely soaked into the earthen floor of the cattle shed, thus […]
Symptoms of Deficiency of Nutrients in Plants
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After reading this article you will learn about the symptoms of deficiency of nutrients in plants. The nutrients whose symptoms of deficiency has been discussed are: 1. Nitrogen 2. Phosphorus 3. Potassium 4. Calcium 5. Magnesium 6. Sulphur 7. Iron 8. Manganese 9. Copper 10. Zinc 11. Molybdenum 12. Boron. 1. Nitrogen: Nitrogen deficient plants […]