After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Content of Potassium in Soil 2. Sources of Potassium in Soil 3. Forms 4. Deficiency. Content of Potassium in Soil: A large portion of total K in soils comes from the K-bearing and crystal lattices of silicate minerals. The micas (muscovite and biotite) and the feldspars […]
Potassium: Content, Sources and Forms | Soil
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Top 10 Roles of Potassium in Plants
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This article throws light upon the top ten roles of potassium in plants. The roles are: 1. Translocation 2. Meristematic Growth 3. Maintaining Water Status 4. Photosynthesis and Translocation of Photosynthates 5. Enzyme Activation 6. Protein Synthesis 7. Light-Driven and Seismonastic Movements 8. Phloem Transport 9. Replacement of Potassium by Sodium 10. Cation-Anion Balance. Role […]
Importance of Potassium in the Growth of Plants
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After reading this article you will learn about the importance of potassium in the growth of plants. Next to nitrogen, potassium is the mineral nutrient required in the largest amount by plants. The potassium requirement for optimum plant growth is in the range of 2-5 per cent of the vegetative parts fleshy fruits and tubers […]