After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Definition of Remote Sensing 2. Devices used for Remote Sensing 3. General Utility 4. Types 5. Stages 6. Basic Concept 7. Sensors used 8. Potential Applications. Definition of Remote Sensing: The term remote sensing was introduced in USA in the late 1950s to attract funding from […]
Remote Sensing: Utility, Stages and Basic Concepts
Enhancement of an Image: 6 Techniques
This article throws light upon the six most common techniques used for enhancement of an image. The techniques are: 1. Contrast Enhancement 2. Pseudo-Colour Enhancement—Density Slicing 3. Density Slicing 4. Image Enhancement through Basic Numerical Calculations 5. Edge Enhancement 6. Filtering. Technique # 1. Contrast Enhancement: Remote sensing systems record reflected and emitted energy from […]
Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing
After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Analogue and Digital Sensors and Systems 2. Analogue and Digital Methods 3. Digital Image Analysis vs. Visual Interpretation 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Analogue and Digital Methods 5. Pre-Processing of Digital Remotely Sensed Images. Photo interpretation and Remote Sensing Methodology can be defined as: The dialectic […]