Gravity retaining walls derive their stability by self-weight. The main design criteria are as follows: i. To prevent overturning of the wall about toe. ii. To prevent sliding of the wall at its base. iii. To prevent tension anywhere in the base soil. iv. To prevent bearing failure of the base soil. Figure 16.7 shows […]
Design Principles for Gravity Retaining Walls | Soil Engineering
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Types of Retaining Walls: 7 Types | Soil Engineering
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The following are the various types of retaining walls: 1. Gravity Walls 2. Semi-Gravity Retaining Walls 3. Cantilever Retaining Walls 4. Counterfort Retaining Walls 5. Buttressed Retaining Walls 6. Sheet Piles 7. Miscellaneous Types of Retaining Structures. Type # 1. Gravity Walls: Gravity walls derive their lateral stability by their mass. Gravity retaining walls are […]