In this article we will discuss about how to determine the shear strength of soil. Shear Tests: The shear strength parameters (c, ɸ) are determined under definite test conditions. Depending upon the drainage conditions, three types of shear tests have been developed. They are: (i) Unconsolidated undrained test (or simply undrained test) UU- No drainage […]
How to Determine the Shear Strength of Soil? | Soil Engineering
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Shear Strength Characteristics of Clays | Soil Engineering
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Shear strength characteristics of clays unconsolidated undrained conditions are discussed below for normally consolidated clays and pre-consolidated clays. 1. Normally Consolidated Clays: After consolidation under cell pressure is complete, no excess pore water pressure is present inside the sample. However, when the specimen is subjected to the subsequent increase of axial stress, under undrained conditions, […]
How to Determine the Shear Strength of Soil? | Soil Engineering
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The following are the various types of tests available for the determination of shear strength: 1. Direct Shear Test 2. Triaxial Compression Test. 3. Unconfined Compression (UCC) Test. 4. Vane Shear Test. 5. Bore Hole Shear Test. 1. Direct Shear Test: Direct shear test is a simple and commonly used test performed in a shear […]