After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Donnan Membrane Equilibrium 2. Assumptions of Donnan Membrane Equilibrium 3. Applications 4. Factors. Introduction to Donnan Membrane Equilibrium: If a solution of an electrolyte consisting of two diffusible ions is separated by a membrane from another solution containing a salt with a non-diffusible ion […]
Donnan Membrane Equilibrium: Assumptions, Application and Factors | Soil Colloids
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Importance of Cation Exchange in Plant Nutrition
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After reading this article you will learn about the importance of cation exchange in plant nutrition. Cation exchange is an important reaction in soil fertility, in correcting soil acidity and basicity, in altering soil physical properties, and as a mechanism in purifying or altering percolating waters. Plant roots, when they come in contact with colloidal […]
Classification of Ion-Exchange Equations: 3 Groups | Soil Colloids
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This article throws light upon the three groups of ion-exchange equations. The groups are: 1. Empirical Formula 2. Kinetic or Statistical Formula 3. Mass Action. 1. Empirical Formula: The Freundlich equation is one of the first used in soil studies and it states that, m = ACB where, m = amount adsorbed per unit weight […]