After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Anion Exchange 2. Factor Affecting Anion Exchange 3. Importance. Meaning of Anion Exchange: Anion exchange on clay minerals and soils has not been studied like that of cation exchange. The effect of concentration, mole fraction and complementary ion on the distribution of exchangeable anions […]
Anion Exchange: Meaning, Factors and Importance | Soil Colloids
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Diffuse Double Layer: Concept, Properties and Shortcomings | Soil Colloids
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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Concept of Diffuse Double Layer 2. Important Properties of Diffuse Double Layer 3. Factors Affecting 4. Shortcomings. Concept of Diffuse Double Layer: The exchangeable ions are surrounded by water molecules and may thus be considered as forming a solution which is often a micellar solution or […]
Donnan Membrane Equilibrium: Assumptions, Application and Factors | Soil Colloids
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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Donnan Membrane Equilibrium 2. Assumptions of Donnan Membrane Equilibrium 3. Applications 4. Factors. Introduction to Donnan Membrane Equilibrium: If a solution of an electrolyte consisting of two diffusible ions is separated by a membrane from another solution containing a salt with a non-diffusible ion […]