In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Estimation of Load Capacity of Pile from SCPT 2. Estimation of Load Capacity from SPT 3. Estimating the Load Capacity from Load Test on Piles. Estimation of Load Capacity of Pile from SCPT: The load capacity of piles can be indirectly estimated using the results of in-situ […]
Estimating the Load Capacity of Pile | Foundation | Soil Engineering
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Criteria for Deciding the Depth of Foundation | Soil Engineering
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Footings are placed at some depth below the ground surface with minimum embedment for the following purposes (Lambe and Whitman): 1. To gain additional bearing capacity derived by the embedment. 2. To place the footing below the zone of seasonal moisture variations for protection against swelling and shrinkage cycle in case of clayey soils and […]
Settlement Analysis for Cohesive Soils | Foundations | Soil Engineering
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The settlement of foundations located in cohesive soils (clays) can be computed from the equation, which is – Sf = Si + Sc …(19.17) where Si is the immediate settlement and Sc is the consolidation settlement. The settlement analysis in cohesive soils is considered for the following cases: 1. Thin clay layer sandwiched between thick […]