Following are the types of shallow foundations: 1. Spread Footing 2. Combined Footing 3. Raft Foundation 4. Annular Slab or Ring Foundation. Type # 1. Spread Footing: Foundation which spreads the load from a wall or column to a greater width is known as spread foundation or footing. The spread footing provided to the walls […]
Types of Shallow Foundations: 4 Types | Soil Engineering
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Methods for Settlement of Cohesionless Soils | Soil Engineering
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There is no practicable laboratory procedure for the determination of compressibility characteristics of cohesionless soils because of the difficulty of sampling of these soils. Therefore, settlement of cohesionless soils may be estimated by a semi-empirical method, based on the results of SCPT, DCPT, or PLT. 1. Schmertmann’s Method for Settlement of Cohesionless Soils: Schmertmann (1970) […]
Settlement Analysis for Cohesive Soils | Foundations | Soil Engineering
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The settlement of foundations located in cohesive soils (clays) can be computed from the equation, which is – Sf = Si + Sc …(19.17) where Si is the immediate settlement and Sc is the consolidation settlement. The settlement analysis in cohesive soils is considered for the following cases: 1. Thin clay layer sandwiched between thick […]