The following are the various types of retaining walls: 1. Gravity Walls 2. Semi-Gravity Retaining Walls 3. Cantilever Retaining Walls 4. Counterfort Retaining Walls 5. Buttressed Retaining Walls 6. Sheet Piles 7. Miscellaneous Types of Retaining Structures. Type # 1. Gravity Walls: Gravity walls derive their lateral stability by their mass. Gravity retaining walls are […]
Types of Retaining Walls: 7 Types | Soil Engineering
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Determination of Stresses in a Soil Mass | Soil Engineering
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to the Determination of Stresses on any Plane in a Soil Mass 2. Principal Stresses and Principal Planes 3. Mohr’s Circle of Stresses 4. Mohr-Coulomb Failure Theory 5. Stress Path. Introduction to the Determination of Stresses on any Plane in a Soil Mass: Soil is a […]
Direct Shear Test: Apparatus and Procedure | Shear Strength | Soil Engineering
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Apparatus for Conducting Direct Sheer Test 2. Preparation of the Soil Specimen 3. Assembly of the Apparatus 4. Test Procedure 5. Determination of Shear Parameters 6. Determination of Principal Stresses 7. Merits 8. Demerits. Apparatus for Conducting Direct Sheer Test: The equipment for the direct shear test […]