Some of the chief soil nutrients in more detail: 1. Nitrogen 2. Phosphorus 3. Potassium 4. Sulphur 5. Trace Elements. Nutrient # 1. Nitrogen: Plants need nitrogen in order to make proteins, enzymes and other nitrogen-containing substances. Plants which are starved of nitrogen fail to grow properly, and may have pale green leaves. All the plant’s supply of […]
List of Soil Nutrients | Australia | Soil Management
Tools Used for Assessment of Soil Salinity: 4 Tools | Soil Management
Soil salinity is one of the major environmental problems that affect the crop yield, soil health and consequently the socio-economic condition of the farming community. Monitoring the progressive development of soil salinity and assessment of its degree of severity is important to quantify its adverse effect on production and productivity and on environmental degradation. Presently, […]
How to Enhance Carbon Sequestration in Drylands? | Soil Management
Given the vagaries of climatic and environmental constrains, increasing the net primary production is difficult in arid regions. This need to be address through different strategies including re-vegetation of degraded lands and restoring life of soil by increasing sequestration of organic and inorganic carbon. Strategies for enhancing soil organic carbon requires long term planning, which […]