Gullies are normally formed by the increased surface runoff. The gully formation depends on all those factors, which directly or indirectly affects the watershed’s deterioration. The main factors may be the man’s misuse of land, intense rainstorm, moderate intensity rainstorm for longer duration, and rapid snow meltings. The factors associated to rainstorm affect the quantum […]
Factors Affecting Gully Formation | Soil Management
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Mulches: Types, Effects and Factor | Conservation | Soil Management
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Types of Mulches 2. Effect of Mulch Cover 3. Mulch Factor 4. Vertical Mulching. Types of Mulches: The mulches may be of following types: (a) The natural mulches are borned by nature itself, no man’s effort is required. (b) Synthetic Mulches: Includes organic and inorganic liquids that […]
How to Design and Construct Bench Terrace? | Soil Management
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In this article we will discuss about how to design and construct bench terrace. Design of Bench Terrace: The components of bench terrace are determined based on the average annual rainfall, soil types, soil depth and average slope of the land. In addition, the purpose of bench terrace is also considered for the design. The […]