In this article we will discuss about the mechanics of stream bank failure and its control. The flow of water in the stream generates shear stress on the bed and banks, both, as a result the bank gets retreated in following two ways: i. Materials get eroded directly from the bank and carried downstream by […]
Mechanics of Stream Bank Failure and Its Control | Soil Management
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How to Control Stream Bank Erosion? (12 Methods) | Soil Management
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In this article we will discuss about the twelve methods used for controlling stream bank erosion. The methods are: 1. Stream Bank Stabilization—Gabion Method 2. Vegetated Geo-Grid Method 3. Iowa Vanes 4. Vegetative Riprap 5. Stone Riprap 6. Pilings with Wire or Geotextile Fencings 7. Dormant Post Plantings 8. Coconut Fiber Rolls Method 9. Branch […]
List of Essential Soil Nutrients
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Here is a list of essential soil nutrients. 1. Nitrogen: Functions of N: a. N is an essential constituent of proteins and many other compounds. b. It involves in plant metabolic activities. c. N is an integral part of chlorophyll, which is required for photosynthesis. d. N imparts vigorous vegetative growth and dark green colour […]