Here is a list of organic manures that helps in improving the fertility and productivity of soils. 1. Bulky Organic Manures: i. Farm Yard Manure (FYM): This is traditional and the most commonly used organic manure. It is a decomposed mixture of cattle dung and urine with bedding materials and residues of fodder fed to […]
List of Organic Manures | Soil Management
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Integrated Nutrient Management of Soil
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The various components of integrated nutrient management are: 1. Organic Manures 2. Green Manures 3. Green Leaf Manures 4. Biofertilizers 5. Fertilizers. Component # 1. Organic Manures: Organic manures are the by-products of farming and allied industries derived from plant and animal sources. Application of 30 to 50 per cent of total nutrients in the […]
How to Control Soil Erosion?
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In this article we will discuss about how to control soil erosion. Contents: Introduction to Soil Erosion Planning for Erosion Control Principles of Erosion Control Approaches to Erosion Control Technological Interventions for Soil and Moisture Conservation Principles of Water and Wind Erosion Control Introduction to Soil Erosion: Erosion is derived from the Latin word erodere; […]