In this article we will discuss about the soil moisture characteristic curves. Soil moisture tension does indicate neither the moisture content of soil nor the amount of moisture that can be withdrawn for plant use at any particular tension. Knowledge of the amount of moisture a given soil holds at various tensions is necessary to […]
Soil Moisture Characteristic Curves | Soil-Water Relationship | Soil Science
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Saturated Vs. Unsaturated Flow of Water into the Soil | Soil Management
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In this article we will discuss about the saturated versus unsaturated flow of water into the soil. Flow of soil water is due to driving force resulting from potential gradient. Darcy law is valid both for saturated and unsaturated flow in that the flow is proportional to potential gradient. When the soil is saturated, all […]
Controlling the Erosion of Soil Caused by Water | Soil Management
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The following points highlight the top mechanical measures adopted to control erosion of soil caused by water. The mechanical measures are: 1. Contour Bunding 2. Graded Bunding 3. Bench Terracing 4. Conservation Ditching 5. Contour Trenching 6. Vegetative Barriers. Mechanical Measure # 1. Contour Bunding: It is most popular in the country. Contour bunding consists […]