Here is an essay on ‘Strip Cropping’ for class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Strip Cropping’ especially written for school and college students. Essay on Strip Cropping Essay # 1. Meaning of Strip Cropping: Strip cropping is also a kind of agronomical practice, in which ordinary crops […]
Essay on Strip Cropping | Soil Management
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Permanent Structures for Gully Control: 4 Types | Soil Management
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The following points highlight the four main types of permanent structures for gully control. The types are: 1. Spillway 2. Rubble Masonry Dam 3. Concrete Dam 4. Gabion Structure. The gully control structures are laid in the gully section, throughout the length, according to the profile of gully bed. Amongst different types of spillways, the […]
Windbreaks: Design and Type | Erosion Control | Soil Management
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In this article we will discuss about the design and type of windbreak used to control soil erosion due to wind. Design of Windbreak: Windbreaks are the barriers, used to reduce and redirect the wind, with the objective to check the soil erosion due to wind. These are constructed with the help of trees and […]