This article throws light upon the nine main factors affecting soil structure. The factors are: 1. Climate 2. Organic Matter 3. Adsorbed Cations 4. Tillage 5. Type of Vegetation 6. Plant Roots 7. Soil Organisms 8. Manurial Practices and Crop Rotation 9. Alternate Wetting and Drying. Factor # 1. Climate: Climate influences the degree of […]
9 Main Factors Affecting Soil Structure
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Soil Structure: Definition, Types and Formation
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After reading this article you will learn about Soil Structure:- 1. Definition of Soil Structure 2. Types of Soil Structure 3. Classes 4. Grades 5. Formation 6. Factors Affecting 7. Effects 8. Structural Management of Soils. Definition of Soil Structure: The arrangement of soil particles and their aggregate into certain defined patterns is called structure. […]