This article throws light upon five types of micro-organisms present in soil. The types are: 1. Nematodes 2. Protozoa 3. Rotifera 4. Mycorrhizae 5. Lichens. 1. Nematodes: They are also called threadworms or eelworms. They are mainly microscopic in size and are the most abundant animals (maximum number is 50 per gm.). Nematodes live mainly […]
Classification of Micro-Organisms Found in Soil: 5 Types
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Decomposition of Organic Matter to Form Humus
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After reading this article you will learn about the decomposition of organic matter to form humus. Whenever organic matter decomposes, it is acted upon by varieties of microorganisms. Fungi dominate over others in the initial stages while bacteria are the important agents of decomposition during the later stages. At first, the easily decomposable substances like […]
10 Important Principles of Land Use
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This article throws light upon the ten important principles governing land use. Some of the principles are: 1. The Principle of Maximization 2. The Equimarginal Principles 3. The Principle of Diminishing Marginal Rate of Substitution 4. The Principle of Diminishing Marginal Productivity 5. The Principle of Specialization and Comparative Advantage 6. The Principle of First […]