After reading this article you will learn about the importance of soil aeration in physical and biological properties of soil. Importance of Soil Aeration in Physical Properties of Soil: i. Texture: Soil texture refers to the relative amounts of inorganic particles i.e. sand, silt and clay. Sand grains are large and coarse, clay particles are […]
Soil Aeration: Physical and Biological Properties of Soil
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Composition of Soil Air: 3 Factors
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This article throws light upon the three main factors affecting the composition of soil air. The factors are: 1. Oxygen 2. Carbon Dioxide 3. Water Vapour. Factor # 1. Oxygen: The amount of O2 in soil air is much less than that of the atmospheric air. Plant roots and different micro-organisms require O2 for their […]
Measuring Oxygen Diffusion Rate (ODR)
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After reading this article you will learn about the principles and Ficks’s law for measuring Oxygen Diffusion Rate (ODR). Principles of Measuring Oxygen Diffusion Rate (ODR): When a certain electric potential is applied between a platinum electrode inserted into the soil and a reference electrode, oxygen (O2) is reduced at the platinum electrode surface. The […]