After reading this article you will learn about the sources and factors that influence soil heat. Sources of Soil Heat: (i) Solar Radiation: Radiant energy from the sun is the power source that determines the thermal regime of the soil and the growth of plants. Agriculture is the exploitation of solar energy in the presence […]
Soil Heat: Sources and Factors
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Laws of Plastic Flow and Film Theories of Plasticity
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After reading this article you will learn about the laws of plastic flow and film theories of plasticity. Laws of Plastic Flow: The essential difference between viscous and plastic flow is that a certain amount of stress must be added to plastic soils before flow is produced (Fig. 8.1). The following equation shows that the […]
Soil Consistency: Meaning and Moisture Levels
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After reading this article you will learn about the meaning and moisture levels of soil consistency. Meaning of Soil Consistency: Soil consistency is also an important physical and dynamic property which varies with the variation of soil moisture and applied stress. So for the discussion of soil consistency, knowledge of soil water like mode of […]