This article throws light upon the six most common techniques used for enhancement of an image. The techniques are: 1. Contrast Enhancement 2. Pseudo-Colour Enhancement—Density Slicing 3. Density Slicing 4. Image Enhancement through Basic Numerical Calculations 5. Edge Enhancement 6. Filtering. Technique # 1. Contrast Enhancement: Remote sensing systems record reflected and emitted energy from […]
Enhancement of an Image: 6 Techniques
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Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing
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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Analogue and Digital Sensors and Systems 2. Analogue and Digital Methods 3. Digital Image Analysis vs. Visual Interpretation 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Analogue and Digital Methods 5. Pre-Processing of Digital Remotely Sensed Images. Photo interpretation and Remote Sensing Methodology can be defined as: The dialectic […]
Soil Reaction: Methods, Factors and Influence
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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Methods of Expressing Soil Reaction 2. Ranges in Soil Reaction 3. Factors 4. Influence on Nutrient Availability and Plant Growth 5. Influence on the Activity of Microorganisms. Methods of Expressing Soil Reaction: Since soil reaction is the relationship between the concentration of H+ and OH ions […]