In this article we will discuss about the Khadin system of water harvesting used in Western Rajhasthan, India. Introduction: In the past, many dryland areas around the world have been considered as ‘wastelands’ because of their low soil organic carbon, poor water availability and frequent occurrence of droughts due to erratic and scanty rainfall which […]
Water Harvesting Method Used in Rajasthan (Khadin) | Water Management
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Modern Water Harvesting Techniques of Arid Regions | Water Management
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The following points highlight the three modern water harvesting techniques of arid regions. The techniques are: 1. Virda 2. Dew Water Harvesting System 3. Greenhouse Water Harvesting. Technique # 1. Virda: Virda is an interesting and unique indigenous water harvesting system developed in arid and saline region of Kachchh, Gujarat. Basically, virdas are shallow wells […]